IQ Mini Kecig 4.0

Mini Heating Blade Heater


香港 Kecig 4.0 for IQOS Best Price

IQ Mini Specification


香港 Kecig 4.0 for IQOS Best Price

Probably the Smallest holder in the world


3 Levels Adjustable Temperature


香港 KeCig 4.0 for IQOS Best Price

KeCig 4.0 Quick Start:

IQMini 快速啟用說明書:

  1. 把開關鍵推上至 L/M/H 位置;
  2. L/M/H 即 低/中/高 溫度檔;
  3. 長按打火鍵打火;
  4. 加熱盒會震動提示,電量燈也會同時閃動;
  5. 加熱盒開始加熱;
  6. 當電量燈停止閃動,加熱盒再次震動,即預熱完畢;
  7. 可以開始使用;
  8. 使用時間大約為 3 分 30 秒,之後加熱會自動停止;
  9. 使用完畢, 可把開關推拉鍵退回 OFF 位置;
  10. 充電可使用普通的 USB 充電器。

KeCig 4.0 FAQ:

  1. 預熱時間大約為 15 秒;
  2. 使用時間大約為 3 分 30 秒;
  3. 充滿電大約可使用 9-10 支 Sticks (以推到最高溫度檔計算);
  4. 打火前先選好溫度檔, 在加熱過程中調動溫度檔將不起作用;
  5. 可隨時長按打火鍵熄火,再行調節溫度,然後再打火;
  6. 當電量燈顯示為 '1' 時,建議先行充電,以避免電量不足,中途停機;
  7. 檢查電量: 把開關鍵推至其中一檔,輕按一下打火掣;
  8. 充電時,電量燈會閃動;當充滿電之後,所有電量燈會關掉;
  9. 日常清潔: 最理想每次使用完畢,用紙巾把杯內和底座內的煙油吸走擦淨;
  10. 若發覺煙彈比較難插入,請不要強行插入, 以免弄斷發熱片;
  11. 可把煙彈插入一部分,先行打火加熱,再慢慢插入餘下部分;
  12. 或可嘗試捏鬆煙彈,再行插入;
  13. 發熱片是不能拆卸的,視頻和圖示中的發熱片,只是為了展示結構的效果,別嘗試自行拆卸發熱片;

Easy to charge with any USB charger

可用普通的 MicroUSB 充電器充電

KeCig 4.0 Quick Start:

  1. Turn on by pushing the slide button to L/M/H;
  2. L/M/H -> Low/Mid/High Temperature Level;
  3. Press and Hold the Fire button;
  4. Heater will vibrate and Battery Level LEDs start flashing;
  5. Heater starts preheating;
  6. Wait till LEDs stop flashing and Heater vibrates again;
  7. Preheating finished and now ready to use;
  8. Usage time around 3 min 30 sec, then it will auto turn off;
  9. Slide the Gear button back to OFF position;
  10. Recharge the Heater unit with MicroUSB charger;

KeCig 4.0 FAQ:

  1. Preheating ~ 15sec;
  2. Usage ~ 3 min 30 sec;
  3. Full charge for ~ 9-10 Sticks (based on highest temp. level);
  4. Select the Temperature Level before firing, change of gear won't function during heating up;
  5. Turn off the Heater any time by press and hold the Fire button again, then select the temperature and fire again;
  6. When Battery level is '1', please recharge the Heater, it may stop working when battery is low;
  7. To check the Battery level, slide the On/Off button to any power level, press once the fire button;
  8. During charging, Battery Level LEDs will flash; when finished, all LEDs will turn off;
  9. Cleaning: Push up and Remove the Cartridge Base, Wipe off all e-liquid drops inside the tank with tissue after every use; Clean with special care to avoid breaking the heating blade;